Christian Orthodox Funeral For My Grandma
It is often tough for us to arrange for the funeral ceremonies of our closest persons. Nevertheless, you need to follow by some harsh realities at certain points of your life. I felt these facts from inside when my dearest grandma passed away last month. Being an orphan, I had grown up in hands of my grandma who had never let me feel the dearth of my parents. Maybe she had been my grand mom and our age difference was huge, she was more like a close friend to me. Seeping her death was extremely upsetting for me. However, I thought what I could do best for her is to arrange for a Christian orthodox funeral ceremony for the peace of her soul. In my entire life, I have hardly seen such a religious fellow like my grandma. There could be barely a Sunday on which she failed to visit her nearby church. Hence, an orthodox cremation ceremony might be the right kind of burial, as I thought. I was not ever aware of the customs of Christian funerals. I had lost my parents long back, and I could not even remember how they departed this poor world.
However, I believe that my grandma had arranged for a perfect cremation for them when both of them lost their lives in a road accident. My bringing up has been in a liberal environment. My grandma had never tried to enforce any religious belief on me. Arranging for the Christian burial for me therefore was a kind of big challenge when she passed away. If you have the experience of arranging funeral for any of your close one, you may feel it better how tough it is. For me, my grandma was everything. From sharing my college gossips to enjoying movies together, what not I have done with grandma! She was leaving me forever. It was a very very tough situation for me, but I needed to arrange for the perfect orthodox funeral in respect for her. For a couple of hours, I was at a loss but then I realize that I should wake up and go for the best arrangements possible for the dearest person of my life. I thought it better to call for the nearby church father and his companions to take charge of the funeral.
Even though shocked at the news, they agreed happily to arrange the same for her. The orthodox funerals Sydney, if you know are a thorough process. Roman Catholic burials are hugely different from the Protestants. It was not possible for me to look after everything. After all, I needed to receive the guests as well. Therefore, I contacted a funeral home too for making the cremation ceremony a satisfying one. In short, I took care so that my grandma receives the best sort of orthodox funeral that she had yearned throughout her life. I believe, now her soul rest in peace somewhere. It also lets me feel better that I have performed my responsibilities to my grandma correctly.