All type of News in Hindi

Apart from world and national news, it is very important to focus state news. The incidents and situations that are taking place in a particular state should be given equal importance as the other. Uttar Pradesh that is up is a state of culture and heritage. Hindi is our national language and the language Hindi is the main language of this state. So delivering up news in Hindi to the people of the state and to the nation plays a very important role. This is a language, which is easy to understand and people can relate with the situation closely. Many Hindi news channels and newspapers are in a competition to provide the latest and current news as fast as possible. Hindi jokes are another section where people can rejuvenate themselves after their heavy work.

Transforming an incident into news in Hindi is not a very tough job because almost ninety percent of people of India are Hindi-speaking people. Common people should realize that our state news and its happenings are equally more important to international news. Various Hindi news channels have their reference number so that the people of a particular state can also raise the voice and thinking on particular issues. Every Indians living in that state or live out Uttar Pradesh, can understand up news in Hindi. They always keep in mind about the news structure and presentation so that everybody can love the news in their own way.

Weather forecast, Hindi jokes, travel and tourism are the other various sections of news where the Hindi media has strong reach. Various Hindi jokes in newspapers and news channels are there to act a mind freshener. Having a different slot and separate column for Hindi jokes in news channels and newspapers respectively, creating a lot of interest among all the sections for their freshness and variety. They are showing a great demand and that is why the media people are also putting their interest to deliver the best of best jokes in Hindi.

With the blessings of technology, the news is not confine to our room only but it has spread to the whole world with just a click. Now people of India living out of India will not face any problem in knowing the news and happenings of India. Hindi news channels and newspapers have come up with their own online news sites that deliver all the news in short time. Many regional newspapers and channels also have their news links so that people of Uttar Pradesh living outside can update themselves with up news in Hindi in no time. Various Hindi jokes along with news are also available online to provide you relax.

Pooja Rajput is a well known author who writes articles for Newspaper website that covers Hindi News ,Entertainment News, Hindi Jokes,and State News in Hindi etc visit for more details.

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Officials Say Nine People Died

Such cooperation helped save Ed Larson, one of the victims cut down by a wall of shrapnel kicked up when the Galloping Ghost, a souped-up WWII-era P-51 Mustang fighter plane, crashed into the VIP section Friday, disintegrating over a two- to three-acre area.Metal fragments and wreckage hit Larson, 59, in the head and back and legs, shredding his calf and severing his Achilles tendon. He was knocked unconscious but came to as he was being loaded on a transport helicopter.”All I saw was a real coordinated effort,” Larson said from a wheelchair at Renown Regional Medical Center, which handled 36 of the most severely injured patients, including two who died. Amid the horrific aftermath of the nation’s deadliest air racing disaster, a crash that killed nine and sent about 70 people to Reno-area hospitals, a sort of calm pervaded.Tweet Be the first to Tweet this!ShareThis Witnesses were spattered with blood and pieces of flesh, yet video of the scene shows paramedics, police and spectators attending to the wounded with a control that seems contradictory to the devastation.

Officials and those in the tightly-knit air racing community credit not only a detailed plan for just such a crash, but the type of people at the event: pilots, veterans and others accustomed to dealing with a high-pressure situation. The carnage left even seasoned emergency room surgeons and rescue workers shaken.”This is the worst I’ve seen,” said Dr. Mike Morkin, the emergency services director at Renown. He did his trauma training at Cook County Hospital in Chicago and helped in the aftermath of Chicago’s Paxton Hotel fire that killed 19 people in 1993. Yet he said he had never seen so many patients with such severe injuries at one time.Paramedics, police and firefighters, hospitals and event organizers had drilled for such a disaster, some just hours earlier.

Doctors, nurses and military veterans from the crowd volunteered their services to emergency crews, said Reno Fire Battalion Chief Tim Spencer, a 29-year veteran who has worked at the air races for 27 years. Those without medical skills helped firefighters transport the injured.”It wasn’t uncommon to see one firefighter and three people in civilian clothes carrying a litter to the proper area” for evacuation, Tim Spencer said. “Everybody pulled together perfectly and worked side by side.”
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Palam Vihar Posh Address But Living is a Let Down

A SPRAWLING township under a private builder, which is mostly inhabited by retired defence personnel and equal number of ladies and kids alike, does not have much to offer when it comes to basic infrastructure. The contrast between reality and what’s advertised is best exemplified by advertisements by property dealers who promote Palam Vihar as “well-planned, hi-tech, maintained housing area, great area.” But the Ansals, who are responsible for its maintenance, along with local municipal bodies have a lot to answer as far as standard of living is considered when it comes to 21st century living. When approached Vice President Sunil Kumar Yadav of the Residents Welfare Association of Ansal’s Palam Vihar, to elucidate on where Palam Vihar was falling short, the Vice President said that quality of civic infrastructure was affecting quality of life of the residents of Palam Vihar. Mr. Yadav lamented that inspite of giving a detailed account of what the resident’s welfare association and the residents needed, the Ansals Group has not paid any heed to their requisitions. In a city where crime rate is high, housing societies and tax-paying citizens expect that at least basic law and order is taken care of and they don’t have to worry about what would happen the next time they go out, or leave their house for a few days.

The RWA representative claims that 700 acres is what Palam Vihar is spread across and there should be a minimum of 100 guards to provide adequate security. The reality is that builders and their contractors do not even have 30 guards in total. Adding to the woes is the dilapidated condition of the guard rooms, which mostly stays inhabited with broken main entrances. Meanwhile, the residents of Palam Vihar also express concern about safety, cleanliness, and the situation of power, which is negatively affecting the quality of life of the residents. A retired professor said that the Palam Vyapar Kendra, which is a central shopping location in Palam Vihar, is very unkempt and dirty.

He further added that cases of thievery have been very frequent and unfortunately he himself was a victim when he went abroad with his family. Then there are stray animals, which give residents the jitters. Residents and shopkeepers spoken to said that frequent power cuts is affecting students, professionals, housewives, senior citizens and entreprenuers. For a supposedly well-planned area, Palam Vihar needs much more planning and execution in terms of co-ordinating with local municipal bodies and state government machinery in order to provide civic infrastructure that matches the expanse of the ‘posh’ area. After all, what good are tall buildings, mansions, schools, hospitals, and shopping complexes if they run on generators; no guards who can ensure security; thieves who can push off with your new car; and grime and rubbish strewn right opposite marble entrance.

5 Degrees From Freedom – An Astrological Account Of Laura Ling And Enua Lee’s Tale

The story of the two journalists, is a complex tale of hopes and disappointments, ups and downs. It can be summarized in 5 parts – the incident, the decision, the trial, the plan, and the release. PART 1: THE INCIDENT – Journalists Captured The story began in March with Mercury, the ruling planet of reporters opposing Saturn, the ruler of boundaries and confinement. The opposition occurred at 17 degrees, with Mercury in Pisces, the sign of idealism, Ruled by Neptune who is known for blurring the lines and flowing over boundaries. Driven by their ideals, two American journalists crossed the border into North Korea. With Saturn analytical Virgo, the fault finder of the Zodiac, their action did not go unnoticed. They were captured and detained. A third planet figures predominantly in this story, Uranus – the planet of freedom. It the time of their capture Mercury was 5 degrees from conjoining Uranus, suggesting that freedom was in their future. However, freedom was 5 degrees away, about 5 months from happening, with a new twist in the road every 5 weeks.

PART 2: THE DECISION – They Will be Indicted In mid April Mercury in Taurus formed a Trine with Saturn (a slow planet who has moved very little since March). Trines represent a harmonious flow of energy, and at the same time Mercury formed a sextile, the aspect of opportunity, to the point where he was in mid-March. A few days later, 5 weeks after the journalists were captured, it was announced the journalists would put on trial. It seemed their captivity, an expression of Saturn was moving along smoothly, yet a trial was also the first opportunity they had for a change in their situation. Mercury was also just entering the retrograde zone, a period of time before a retrograde when he is covering the same area he will return to. Events during this time tend to be revisited during the retrograde.

PART 3 – THE TRIAL – Indicted and Convicted Although there was much talk of a trial, the two were not formally indicted until late May, just prior to the end of Mercury’s retrograde cycle – and 5 weeks after the trial was announced. The trial began in early June. With Mercury squaring several planets in Aquarius, the sign of the humanitarian, it did not look promising they would be shown mercy. On June 7th The Full Moon fell at 17 degrees in Gemini and Sagittarius. Both signs relate to journalism, with Gemini being the sign of reporters and Sagittarius the sign of freedom of information. This Full Moon was exactly squaring the mid-March Mercury/Saturn opposition. On this day the journalists were officially convicted. With Jupiter, the planet of optimism, turning retrograde within a week, the situation seemed bleak, and hope began to fade. United states pleas for their release were yielding no results. However, Mercury was also making one sextile, the aspect of opportunity, at this time. The planet providing a glimmer of hope was Uranus – the cosmic wall breaker, the planet of freedom and changes, as well as the co-ruler of Aquarius. Despite the dismal outlook, there was a sudden turn of events ‘in the stars’. There was no change in the situation for about a month.

PART 4: THE PLAN – Bill Clinton, the Diplomat On June 30th, after another 5 weeks, Uranus turned retrograde, suggesting secrecy, something was happening behind the scenes. There was no news around this time, although on June 29th the Washington Post had reported that the U.N. secretary general said he was making personal efforts to free the two. He told the post he had worked behind the scenes in similar situations before. A few days later, on the eve of the Unites States Independence Day, Mercury entered Cancer. The ruling planet of reporters transiting through the sign of home, had to set in motion the events finally leading to their return. Although Mercury would remain in cancer for only two weeks, it would host pivotal events. The Solar Eclipse on July 7th was the first in a rare series of three. Through these three powerful eclipses we have seen the story turn from one of lost hope, to one of success and freedom. This was in the signs of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, and Cancer, the sign of home – as well as the sign currently occupied by Mercury. At the moment of the eclipse, both Sun and Moon were in sextile to Saturn. That day Laura Ling made a phone call to her sister, Lisa. Lisa Ling said the her sister had admitted guilt, saying they had defiantly broken the North Korean law – in fact she said, this point was made with great emphasis. This also brought about an important shift in U.S. policy. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the United States would accept the guilt of the Journalists, and seek a pardon rather than a release on humanitarian grounds. Mid – July, both the Sun and Mercury formed trines to Uranus. Hillary Clinton officially called for the pardon of Ling and Lee. It was later reported that Ling and Lee told their families, during conversations in mid-July, that North Korea would be open to negotiations with Bill Clinton. The second eclipse in this series, was the Solar Eclipse on July 21st. This was the beginning of the Waxing Moon phase, the time of beginnings, occurring in Cancer, the sign of home. The potent energy of the this eclipse (see my Solar Eclipse post) was all about changes, breaking restrictions, the blending of endings and beginnings. It brought the official beginning of the plan that finally worked. On July 24th and 25th National Security advisor Jim Jones spoke with Bill Clinton about traveling to North Korea. The morning of July 26th Moon crossed Bill Clinton’s Ascendant – at 5 degrees Libra, the sign of the diplomat. There was little official news during this time, fitting with the degree of uncertainty carried by the Solar Eclipse. As it was the middle in a series of three eclipses, we look to the final eclipse for resolution.

PART 5: THE RELEASE – Home at Last! On August 3rd the Moon was in Capricorn, having arrived back at the point she was during the first eclipse in this series as Bill Clinton arrived in North Korea for negotiations. The next day, August 4th marked the was exactly 5 weeks after Uranus turned retrograde. This was exactly 20 weeks after the journalists were first detained; about 5 months, broken down in 5 important chapters. With the energy of the eclipse already building, only one day before it occurs, the Moon formed a sextile with Uranus. The same day she would enter Aquarius. This is the sign ruled or Uranus, and the sign hosting this final eclipse, the very next day. This coming eclipse was one of changes, crossroads, and events coming to a head (see my Lunar Eclipse post). It also formed quincunxes (known as fated aspects, bringing adjustment or change) to the original Mercury Saturn opposition under which they were first detained. On August 4th Laura Ling and Enua Lee were pardoned. August 5th, with Venus, the planet of harmony at 5 degrees Cancer, the sign of home – and only hours before the final eclipse – Lisa Ling and Enua Lee arrived home.

Media Students Need to Know Who Owns Y.M.C.A

Knowledge of copyright and intellectual property is important for media and law students. So who owns the rights to Village People’s YMCA? We have all danced to it at one stage in our life, most of us more than once, whether you are six to sixty and upwards. The song and many others are soon to be part of a new copyright battle between song writers and the record companies that distribute their work. Copyright and intellectual property is becoming an ever more important issue for the creative and cultural industries. Protecting your rights is important for film and documentary makers, photographers, and journalists across all media. In Griffith College’s??journalism??and??photography??courses intellectual property and copyright is an increasing feature of the curriculum. In the??Law programmes??it is an essential course topic. Getting the true value of your content is difficult in a digital technology orientated world where on the one hand you want your content to go viral online but still want to get paid for it. In the United States this week one new front in the copyright discussions has emerged called “Termination Rights”.

The word springs from legislation passed by the US Congress into law in 1978 that allows song writers regain control of their work 35 years after it was first realised by a record company. You have to apply two years before the date your work was commercially released. This week the New York Times and other news media have reported about the termination rights issue this week as January 1st 2013 will mark the first year Termination Rights can be granted. Albums released in 1978 that could see the rights fully return to their creator include Bruce Springsteen’s Darkness on the Edge of Town, Billy Joel’s 52nd??Street, Funkadelic’s One Nation Under a Groove and Village People’s Y.M.C.A. Victor Willis, the original lead singer in the group has filed termination rights for Y.M.C.A and 32 other Village People tunes. With a song like this played at weddings, sports events on advertisements and even computer games ownership of the rights could be very lucrative. The case is being contested and could be the first of many such copyright disputes.

Going Places with Press Passes

Good reporters will do whatever it takes to get the right story, the right information, and the right picture. For these reporters, little is more essential than a press pass. One of these passes will allow reporters to access places that would otherwise be restricted. With a press pass, reporters have a wider range of stories from which to choose, allowing them to report on important events. Although any type of reporter may be issued a press pass, they are usually most vital for photographers. Although a journalist may be able to glean information from other sources, a photographer must capture images of events that happen only once. There are a few types of press passes, and getting a press pass depends upon which type of pass you hope to get. One type of pass is event-specific; it is issued by the event, and is null once the event is over. This often applies for things like concerts, festivals, trade shows, and award shows. This may be due to public interest in the event, such as when famous musical acts are performing. In this case, sufficient public interest exists, and attaining passes can be quite difficult.

However, the event may be more likely to grant passes if they particularly desire lots of publicity, such as in the case of trade shows. These are not possible to recreate. And, after all, a picture is worth a thousand words. Knowing how to get press passes will benefit you immensely. Journalistic agencies and employers, such as newspapers, may issue official identification cards to their employees. This is usually akin to an employee ID. Although this usually serves to identify journalists, it may or may not serve as a press pass, depending on the event. This is also jurisdiction-dependent, though, and no two places have the same rules. The final, and most important, kind of press car is that issued by the local or state police. The process for attaining these cards is usually quite extensive, depending on the jurisdiction from which they are issued.

A background check is usually performed; the journalist’s credentials are checked thoroughly. Usually, if a police press pass enables journalists to gain access to crime scenes, they must give samples of their DNA and their fingerprints. It is generally only possible to attain one of these cards if you report current or breaking news. Special interest writers, columnist, and bloggers are usually not eligible for this kind of press pass. For reporters and journalists who are ready to go after breaking news and report from the front lines, a police press pass is important. The other kinds of passes all have their merits, though, and they should not be so easily dismissed. After all, it takes all types to make the world go around, and the news industry needs to report on all kinds of events. For journalists who have hollowed out their niche, figuring out which type of pass they need should be quite simple.

Different Tools For Dispersing News

News plays a very important role in our daily lives. They are the ones that provide us with all the information that we need in order to have an open mind about the world and everything that is happening around it. There are several tools that are being used in order to distribute news globally and I have listed some of them below: It is somehow a sad thought that some of us today do not appreciate the essence of news. Some say that the information which is being delivered to us is inaccurate, bias, manipulated and opinionated. Some say that money can change things and that our journalists are being bribed to mend certain details in order to protect a certain party. All of these are not actually right, of course, although there is also the smallest chance for it to be true.

Without news, it would be very hard and difficult for us to determine what’s happening around us. The world is a very big place and we need certain instruments for us to be able to reach every corner of it. To sum everything up, news is indeed one of the vital things that we need everyday. Our noble journalists had given their whole dedication in order to equip us with the things that we need to know. Some even risk their lives for our sake like the ones who capture live actions during war times, calamities and disasters. Our journalists should be rewarded for they are the very main instruments used in order to deliver and disperse unto us the news that we need everyday.

The Bid Of The New Scotland Yard

London’s cash-strapped police is planning to sell Scotland Yard in order to increase money. One of the iconic revolving sign is going to fade away soon from London’s tourist map. The headquarters are being sold in Victoria Street. This will facilitate them to save 500 million pounds. The 20 storey block is a costly building to run and the maintenance would cost close to 50 million pounds. One of the police officer stated that the planning to sell the Yard is like losing the crown. As per as the records it is known as New Scotland Yard and the plan is being made to meet the cash crisis. The head quarter was the home of the police force from 1960s. The police leaders are thinking to shift to a smaller headquarter. This step would save them with 500m.

The Westminster’s headquarters will be sold on account of a sweeping cost cutting plan. The police force is planning to shift its headquarters to a new site which is located at Embankment. The step is ordered by the Mayor’s office and is taken due to the anti-recession budget cut. It is expected that the step will aid the Met to save 500 million. The plan came subsequent to the Admiralty Arch which is a 100 year old London’s tourist landmark. The Arch is just yards from Buckingham Palace which was purchased by a Spanish investor. The building was sold for 60 million for the purpose of building a luxury hotel. The policy was adopted in order to beat the recession. The plan which was declared by the Metropolitan Police was really shocking and has been the home of the cop since 1967. Some other stations in the capital that includes Highbury Vale, South Norwood, Walthamstow, Richmond and Willesden Green are also laying down to close.

The news covered by the Iran reporters from Al-Alam Iran News Network could make it clear from the report gathered that the sale of the historic headquarters in Victoria will be able to make a neat profit. John Tully, the chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation stated that it is very disappointing that the recession has brought the situation to this end. But the approval of the plan could take a period of two years or so and till that time Met come across a new home. It is not mentioned in the plan that the employees are going to be fired from the job as a money saving strategy.

Impression of Sri Lanka

That memorable country is as sweet as black tea, even until now i would always smile every time when i drink Ceylon black tea, no matter it is now, not-too-distant day, or the distant future. Because the word Ceylon is no longer a distant blur of the shadow, but an actual country i once traveled by myself, which includes a wide range of all kinds of people, things, animals, softly wrapping around me just like mist on the tea mountain, the cool India ocean breeze. Over the years, Sri Lanka has not been included in my travel plans, it is not an travel destination in my heart. I always felt that Sri Lanka is the replica of little India on the India Ocean, for their culture, nationality, religion, dietary, ethnic groups are so similar.

India is always complicated, profound, and historic, while Sri Lanka is the small reflection on the India Ocean, which is a little simple, intelligent, tropical, crisp and bright… … The old reference of Ceylon is closely related to black tea, for my favorite tea is originated from Ceylon. Its authentic sweet just suits me. Sri Lanka often reminds people of Buddhism. The Temple boy Ma Dewang encountered told me that the monks of the highest level monastery in their go to Sri Lanka to study, which is the origin of Hinayana Buddhism in Southeast Asia. Black tea, Buddhism, elephant, tropical, her dark skin, brilliant saris, brilliant smile, the lion on the flag, the once United Kingdom colony, the island as turbulent as tear on the India ocean, which are my impressions of all Sri Lanka.

Take a general look at this lovely country. What it has exactly? And how it is different from India? Elephant orphanage. The elephants going home after bath, and going ashore mammothly. Nuwara Eliya, the tea mountain we visited in a tea factory, and the dotted whiteness indicates that the lady was picking tea. In the evening, Muslim boys walking on walls in the ancient city of Galle were ready to play cricket. I also heard of a Tamil Tiger organization, which was linked with Sri Lanka. It seems like a terrorist group seeking independence, except this I know nothing about it. I got to know this country just in this summer, from abstract impression of text and pictures, to the immediate impression in front of me. The ambiguity and clarity leave a colorful colorful collage as a souvenir. It’s also not so bad.